When you own an older vehicle, it is very difficult to find any shop to work on it, let alone someone that is dependable and reputable. Most shops don’t want to be “bothered.” At Hahn Auto Restoration, working on old collectible cars is our pleasure.
Our expert staff has experience completing repairs on antique vehicles, foreign exotic cars, American muscle cars, hot rods, and even vintage racers! We have completed concours level award winning restorations and hold quality at the center of our operations. With our trusted reputation, we provide our clients with a wide range of repairs to keep your collector car running like new!
Whether your collectible car is a trailer queen or you drive it, part failure can happen at any time. We have the expertise to help get your car looking and running as good as new.
Our team has the capabilities to handle a wide range of repairs for your collector car, including but not limited to:
With our extensive experience in servicing and repairing collector cars, our staff is uniquely prepared to help repair and maintain your vehicle.
At Hahn Auto Restoration, we have a passion for collector cars and we take pride in bringing them back to life through our restoration services or keeping them running with our expert repair services. With our dependable and knowledgeable staff, we guarantee your car is in good hands and that we will complete the repair correctly the first time!